Re: Athena Wide Systems by MIT...

Michael Shanzer (
Mon, 30 Jan 1995 15:00:41 -0500

In message <>, bho writes:
>It's since a long time that i've got a question about unix systems
>under Athena wide & kerberos systems by MIT .. 
>As you know every time that an user logs into the machine, the line
>with his data it's copied into the /etc/passwd file in the usual
>format or in shadow format.. and when the user logs out the line is
>deleted from the /etc/passwd ... my question is :
>where there are that datas??? 

All the data (except for the encrypted passswd string) is stored in the
Hesiod database.  The encrypted passwd string is made up from the passwd you
typed to login.  It has been a while since I looked at Athena login source,
but I doubt it has changed alot ... 
